Stop at first character match?

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  • Greedy vs. Reluctant vs. Possessive Quantifiers 7 answers

  • + is a greedy operator meaning it matches as much as it possibly can and still allows the rest of the regex to match. For this, I recommend using a negated class meaning any character except: " "one or more" times.

    /<a href="ftp:([^"]+)">/

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    Make your regex ungreedy:

    /<a href="ftp:(.+?)">/
    //        here __^


    /<a href="ftp:([^>"]+)">/

    But it's better to use a parser.

    * , + are greey (matches as much as possible). By appending ? after them, you can make non-greedy.

    /<a href="ftp:(.+?)">/

    or you can specify exclude " using negated character classes ( [^...] ):

    /<a href="ftp:([^"]+)">/

    BTW, it's not a good idea to use regular expression to parse HTML.


    上一篇: 为什么这个正则表达式模式不匹配?

    下一篇: 在第一个字符比赛停止?