Visual Studio 2010 + Windows 10 not allowing me to clean solution

We have a working project. Recently some of us got new machines, and we loaded Windows 10 on them. We currently use Visual Studio 2010. Before, on Windows 7, I could clean and build my solution with no problems. Now however, I can't. I am always getting a warning:

C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Microsoft.Common.targets(4181,5): warning MSB3061: Unable to delete file "C:_repo****_desktopbinDebug****.exe". Access to the path 'C:_repo****_desktopbinDebug****.exe' is denied. C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Microsoft.Common.targets(4181,5): warning MSB3061: Unable to delete file "C:_repo****_desktopbinDebug****.pdb". Access to the path 'C:_repo****_desktopbinDebug****.pdb' is denied.

Now we have many solutions. One has four (4) projects, and those build and clean successfully. I have ensured that I, as the administrator, make the folder security options full for everyone. There is no read-only folder. To work around this, I have to close my solution, delete the Debug folder, and open the solution again. This is time consuming and very annoying. I run VS in Administrator Mode, I make sure there is nothing else using anything, yet I can't get this error to go away. I have also researched, to no avail, as most answers are make sure the folder is not read-only, close the .exe, etc.

If someone could please inform me as to what the problem really is. Is it Windows 10? Visual Studio? I am also running VS SP 1 if that helps. I have tried creating a new solution and copying all work over, yet I get the same error.

If you need anything, please let me know and I'll edit accordingly.

Seems like all I had to do was to change the Debuggers options on my projects properties. The

Enable the Visual Studio hosting process

box was ticked before. Ever since I un-ticked it, my project has been running well. It cleans, builds, everything good now.


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