Excel Workbook connections field "Last refreshed" always empty

in Excel 2010, under Data-Connections where there is a list of all connections in the workbook, there is a field "Last Refreshed". This field is always empty for me. Microsoft says (http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/create-edit-and-manage-connections-to-external-data-HA010342379.aspx) "If blank, then the connection has never been refreshed", but this is obviously not the case here, because we refresh the date quite often.

Any ideas please ? Thanks Petr

This page http://www.thecodecage.com/forumz/showthread.php?t=208462 claims

... the "Last Refreshed" field is populated in the dialog box for the connections that are used as data sources for pivot tables , BUT not for connections that are used as the source for Tables . If the connection is used as a source for a Table the "last refreshed" section is empty

Sounds a bit like a missing feature to me...

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/76940.html

上一篇: javascript用一个按钮提交多个表单

下一篇: Excel工作簿连接字段“上次刷新”始终为空