javascript Submit multiple forms with one button

In my html I have multiple forms (text inputs, radio buttons, check boxes and select) and one button. I would like to fill all these forms and send values to my php file. For now I am trying to submit values from text input and select but I am stuck at this point.

I have a js submit file:

 submitForms = function(){

And my forms are like this: SELECT:

 <form id ="form1" name="dists" action="solve.php" method="post">
        <select id="demo" name="sadzba" onchange="selectElement1(this.value)>
                <option value="">-- vyberte oblasť --</option>

Text input form + button:

 <form id="form2" action="solve.php" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="spotVT" ><label>kWh za rok VT</label>
    <div id="nt" style='display:none'><input type="text" name="spotNT"  ><label>kWh za rok NT</label></div>

 <input id="sub" type="button" value="Ok" style="margin-left:15px;" onclick="submitForms()"/>

But this is not working. Can you help me please? Thank you

This question has been asked by several already, please see these two links:

Submit two forms with one button

Submit multiple forms with one submit button

Basically it looks like you are going to need to do this asynchronously.

It will be easier to only submit one form. You can give your select and input tag the same form name by assigning form="your-form-id".


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Multiform - JAVASCRIPT</title>

    <legend>Form 1</legend>
    <form name="f1" id="f1" onsubmit="return validate(this)">
        <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" />

    <legend>Form 2</legend>
    <form name="f2" id="f2" onsubmit="return validate(this)">
        <input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email" />

    <legend>Form 3</legend>
    <form name="f3" id="f3" onsubmit="return validate(this)">
        <input type="text" name="password" placeholder="Password" />

<button onclick="submitAll();">SUBMIT ALL</button>

'use strict';

function validate(form){
    //forms processsing goes here...
    return false;

function submitAll(){
    for(var i=0, n=document.forms.length; i<n; i++){




上一篇: 使用纯粹GLSL的2D运动模糊和高斯模糊

下一篇: javascript用一个按钮提交多个表单