How to match a whole word that includes special characters in regex

In regex is there a way to escape special characters in an entire region of text in PCRE syntax?

eg. hey+Im+A+Single+Word+Including+The+Pluses+And.Dots

Normally to match the exact string in regex I would have to escape every single + and . with / s in the above string. This means that if the string is a variable, One has to seek for special characters and escape them manually. Is there an easier way to do this by telling regex escape all special characters in a block of text?

The motivation behind this is to append this to a larger regex so even though there are easier ways to get exact matches they don't apply here.

Everything between Q and E meta characters are treated as literals in PERL Compatible RegExes (PCRE). So in your case:


Other engines rarely support this syntax.

If it's python. you can use re.escape(string) to get a literals string

import re

search = 'hey+Im+A+Single+Word+Including+The+Pluses+And.Dots'
text = '''hey+Im+A+Single+Word+Including+The+Pluses+And.Dots 
rc = re.escape(search)
#exactly first line in text

#line two and three as it will + as repeat and . as any char

-------- result -------------------

['hey+Im+A+Single+Word+Including+The+Pluses+And.Dots'] ['heyImmASingleWordIncludingThePlusessAndaDots', 'heyImASingleWordIncludingThePlusesAndxDots']


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