Play full HTML5 video and then loop a section of it

I'm trying to play an 8.6 second video once completely, and then loop a small section of the video infinitely, to keep the illusion of a never-ending video. So far I've looked into the media fragments URI, and the ended event of the video. Setting the currentTime attribute in the ended event listener works, but it makes the video "blink".

At present, I'm using a timeupdate event listener to change the time when the video is approaching the end [shown below]

elem.addEventListener('timeupdate', function () {
if (elem.currentTime >= 8.5) {
    elem.currentTime = 5;;
}, false);

JSFiddle here

This works as well, but the video pauses visibly before restarting at 5 seconds. Is there a smoother way of playing the video once and then looping a segment of it?

Try the following, to 'rewind' it as soon as it ends:

vidElem.addEventListener("ended", function () {
        vidElem.currentTime = 2.5;;
}, false);

Updated fiddle:

Your code is fine, the problem is with your MP4 file! Try using a much smaller video like this one ( ) to confirm the issue is not with your code.

So how can you achieve the same result but with large videos files? You will need two video files:

  • video1 is the main video
  • video2 is the looping video
  • Remember: HTML5 video has no problem playing and looping large video files so we will use this method to play the videos.

    In the example below we will play the first video and when it finishes we will execute a function to hide video1 and then show/play video2. (Video 2 is already set to loop)

    Don't forget to load JQuery in your head otherwise this will not work.

    <video id="video1" width="1080" height="568" poster="movie.png" autoplay onended="run()">
      <source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm">
      <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
      <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
      <object data="movie.mp4" width="1080" height="568">
        <embed width="1080" height="568" src="movie.swf">
    Optional test to be displayed if the browser doesn't support the video tag (HTML 5)
    <video id="video2" width="1080" height="568" poster="loop.png" loop>
      <source src="loop.webm" type="video/webm">
      <source src="loop.ogg" type="video/ogg">
      <source src="loop.mp4" type="video/mp4">
      <object data="loop.mp4" width="1080" height="568">
        <embed width="1080" height="568" src="loop.swf">
    Optional test to be displayed if the browser doesn't support the video tag (HTML 5)
    $( "#video2" ).hide();
    function run(){
       $( "#video1" ).hide();
        $( "#video2" ).show();

    I just had to deal with the same problem and noticed the same issues with flickering. Here was my solution:

  • Get 2 videos (or sets of videos) - one for the non-looped section, the other for the looped section
  • Create 2 video elements
  • set the looping element to 'display:none'
  • Then just capture the ended event and swap display status (example uses jquery but you could use 'style.display="none/block"' just as easily:

    VideoPlayer1 = document.getElementById('video1');
    VideoPlayer2 = document.getElementById('video2');
    VideoPlayer1.addEventListener('ended', videoLooper, false);
    function videoLooper()

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