Difference Between stdout=subprocess.PIPE and stdout=PIPE

So The title pretty much explains my question. What is the difference between stdout=subprocess.PIPE and stdout=PIPE? Both come from the subprocess module, but why would you use one over the other? How do you use stdout=PIPE? Ie capture the output? Or print it to the screen? I only know how to redirect it with subprocess.PIPE.


import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE
p = subprocess.Popen(['samtools', 'view', 'bamfile.bam'], stdout=PIPE)

from subprocess import PIPE

makes subprocess.PIPE available under the alternative name PIPE ; it is equivalent to:

PIPE = subprocess.PIPE

Therefore, it does not matter which version you choose. subprocess.PIPE makes it clear where the variable is coming from, but is slightly longer.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/77086.html

上一篇: 在Python中用Popen调用pipe命令

下一篇: stdout = subprocess.PIPE和stdout = PIPE之间的区别