capturing stderr of subprocesses with their shell stdout alive

Here are things I'm trying to do:

-python process captures stderr of multiple subprocesses to watch the subprocesses
-each subprocess runs on the separate window displaying stdout. 

When I use Popen(command,stderr = fp4tempfile) ,

(good) the python process can capture stderr of the subprocesses
(bad ) the subprocess shells stop displaying stdout.

When I use Popen(command) ,

(good) each subprocess shells displays stdout (as well as stderr, which does not matter for me), 
(bad ) the python process cannot capture stderr. 

I want both "good"s. What can I do for this? Thanks in advance. (currently, I'm using python3.2 developing in windows7)

Here's the parent process source written in python:

import os,subprocess
import time
fpws = []
fprs = []

def run_command(command):
    <specifying a file to write -- skipped>
    fpw = open(ftempname,'w')
    fpr = open(ftempname,'r')
    #cmd_redirect = "%s 2>%s" % (command,ftempname)#didnt do anything
    #starting a sub-program:
    pp = subprocess.Popen(command,stderr = fpw) #++
    #pp = subprocess.Popen(command)             #@@

def watch_program():
    while True: #running forever for simplfication
        for fpr in  fprs:
            outchunk =
            <do something for subprocesses stderr -- skipped>

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cmd1 = '(path to program1)'
    cmd2 = '(path to program2)'
    run_command(cmd1)  #kicking cmd1
    run_command(cmd2)  #kicking cmd2
    watch_program()          #hearing stderr msg from the other process

Note: in the subprocess side, fflush(stdout) and fflush(stderr) are called as needed.


import sys

pp = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr = fpw, stdout = sys.stdout)

I82Much, thank you for your answer and comment.

Yes, your comment about stderr was absolutely right. I was developing in windows7. In linux (ubuntu10), the following simply worked out:

    cmd_line4sub = command + ' 2> ' + ftempname
    pp = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/xterm','-e',cmd_line4sub],stderr = fpw)

It opens new shells, printing subprocess stdout. The parent process captures subprocess stderr. It is my first goal.

If I could ever figure out how to do in windows, I'll post my answer;)

(I'm the same user as the questioner, but I cannot make them the same account...)


上一篇: python子进程Popen环境PATH?

下一篇: 捕获它们的shell stdout存活的子进程stderr