Preview fswebcam image as it takes picture
I am currently using a USB webcam with a Raspberry Pi 3. At the moment as part of a lot of other code in Python it takes a picture using the camera and saves it to a specific directory. I was wondering whether there was any way of getting a preview of the image to show up on screen, similarly to how the picamera works:
camera.start_preview() time.sleep(5) camera.capture('/home/pi/Downloads/image.jpg') camera.stop_preview()
Is there an equivalent to this using fswebcam? The part of the code that takes the image is:
from subprocess import call call(["fswebcam", "--no-banner", "image.jpg"])
Ideally I would like it to preview the image on-screen for a set number of seconds before capturing it and saving it to the directory. Is this possible?
I made this kind of function for a commercial app. (no source code here, sorry) Mixing fswebcam for capturing and other python code for previewing seems to be a bad idea, as the camera will hardly be available for them both. (you may try to use "mplayer tv://" as the preview and launch fswebcam from another terminal to verify this point)
For the python approcah : as the most difficult part will be to display the preview, you should build your app around this feature. Saving a frame as an image will be easy from there. I had some success working with Pygame, that can use v4l2 cameras, managing displays and user events.
In practice, look at, the main pygame function you'll need are there.
Note : don't expect the refresh rate of the preview to be perfect. It will only be decent. Not sure if it's the camera, v4l2, pygame or python that cause this ...
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