Importing ant build.xml in Eclipse

I have an android project that uses ant to build, is it possible to import this ant project in eclipse IDE?

update : There is an option to create project using ant build.xml in eclipse File->New->Project->Java->Java project from existing ant Buildfile. and if the build.xml file is selected it show error Specified buildfile does not contain a javac task

I guess javac is declared in this task

<taskdef name="setup"

From this link:

  • Open Eclipse, select File > New > Project
  • Select " Java Project from Existing Ant Build File "
  • Show your build file and write a project name

  • just simply import "existing projects into workspace" and import your project. then open 'ant' window from windows-->show/view --> ant

    drag-drop your ant file from project explorer to the and window.

    click to expand, and select the target you want to run ->right click -> run as ANT

    your setup should be ok with this.

    Try the following method, got it work for me.

  • Make sure you have ant installed
  • Create new project> android project > choose from exisiting source (your project source)
  • Download ant-contrib.jar, then unzip it and put the jar file to where you prefer.
  • Add the ant-contrib jar file to Eclipse: Window>Preferences>Ant>Runtime>Global Entries>Add external jar
  • Configure your (copy and edit to
  • Now open build.xml in editor in Eclipse then hit Run
  • Add the built jar files in your project properties, Project Properties>Java Build Path>Add JAR
  • 链接地址:

    上一篇: 执行ANT任务时的默认Classloader

    下一篇: 在Eclipse中导入ant build.xml