angularjs view loads only on hard refresh and not on redirect

I am working on my angular app and have setup the routes like so

    angular.module('app', ['ngRoute'])
        .config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
            $routeProvider.when('/', {
                template : "",
                controller : function($window) {
                $window.location.href = '/';
            }).when('/test', {
                    redirectTo : '/test/dashboard'
            }).when('/test/dashboard', {
                    templateUrl : '../partials/dashboard.html',
                    controller : 'DashboardController'
            }).when('/test/unit', {
                    templateUrl : '../partials/unit.html',
                    controller : 'unitController'


<body ng-app="app">
    <div id="sidebar-wrapper" class="fill-height sidebar-nav">
      <ul class="tabRow nav nav-stacked">

        <li ng-class="{active: isActive('dashboard') }"><a id="dashboardLink" ng-href="#test/dashboard">Dashboard</a>

        <li ng-class="{active: isActive('unit') }"><a id="unitLink" ng-href="#test/unit">Unit</a>


This code will redirect the URL to "/test/dashboard" when I enter "/test" but the html for that page does not show up. However when I refresh the page with that route, it displays the html in the content area of the page.

When I toggle between links, the dashboard shows up, just does not load the first time it is navigated to.

Also, when I change the redirect to /test/unit, it redirects correctly and displays the unit.html.

Not sure what is causing this behavior.

Any help would be appreciated.

I think you need to specify requireBase: false while configuring html5Mode for your $locationProvider

  enabled: true,
  requireBase: false

Here is a working plnkr demo

For more context relative to your deployment you should be aware of this form angular docs

It works if you remove -


Or, going by a similar question's answer you could add -

<base href="/" />

to your <head /> .


上一篇: 在angularjs中使用工厂获取错误:[$ injector:undef]

下一篇: angularjs视图仅在硬刷新上加载,而不在重定向上加载