What is the difference between using $scope and this in controllers?
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The scope is the object that is made available to the view. The view can use Angular binding expressions, and these expressions are evaluated on the scope:
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
{{ s_my_int }} // will display 12
{{ t_my_int }} // won't display anything: the scope doesn't have a t_my_int property
Some people, however, prefer exposing the controller itself to the scope. This is possible using the controller as
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl as foo">
{{ s_my_int }} // will display 12
{{ foo.t_my_int }} // will display 12
It's a matter of preferences. I personally prefer using the scope, because it avoid the many JS problems related to the handling of this
. The advantage of the controller as syntax is that it allows telling from which controller you get values and call functions, when controllers are nested, instead of relying on scope inheritance.
上一篇: 角控制器