Mongodb real basic use case
I'm approaching the noSQL world. I studied a little bit around the web (not the best way to study!) and I read the Mongodb documentation. Around the web I wasn't able to find a real case example (only fancy flights on big architectures not well explained or too basic to be real world examples).
So I have still some huge holes in my understanding of a noSQL and Mongodb.
I try to summarise one of them, the worst one actually, here below:
Let's imagine the data structure for a post of a simple blog structure:
"_id": ObjectId(),
"title": "Title here",
"body": "text of the post here",
"date": ISODate("2010-09-24"),
"author": "author_of_the_post_name",
"comments": [
"author": "comment_author_name",
"text": "comment text",
"date": ISODate("date")
"author": "comment_author_name2",
"text": "comment text",
"date": ISODate("date")
So far so good.
All works fine if the author_of_the_post
does not change his name (not considering profile picture and description). The same for all comment_authors
So if I want to consider this situation I have to use relationships:
"authorID": <author_of_the_post_id>,
for post's author and
"authorID": <comment_author_id>,
for comments authors.
But MongoDB does not allow joins when querying. So there will be a different query for each authorID
So what happens if I have 100 comments on my blog post?
1 query for the post
1 query to retrieve authors informations
100 queries to retrieve comments' authors informations
**total of 102 queries!!!**
Am I right?
Where is the advantage of using a noSQL here? In my understanding 102 queries VS 1 bigger query using joins.
Or am I missing something and there is a different way to model this situation?
Thanks for your contribution!
Hope this helps.
Have you seen this?
It sounds like what you are doing is NOT a good use case for NoSQL. Use relational database for basic data storage to back applications, use NoSQL for caching and the like.
链接地址:下一篇: Mongodb真正的基本用例