Finding difference between 2 directories in linux

Hi guys,

      I was trying to find the difference between two directories, dir structure as follows.
  • dir1/subdir/file.txt
  • dir2/subdir/nffile.txt
  • when i tried with "diff -r dir1 dir2" it shows only the content difference in files but i want interns of new file addition.

    Any possibility that we can find the difference between these dir using the "diff" command.


    $ diff --recursive --brief dir1 dir2
    Only in dir1/dir1: file1
    Only in dir2/dir1: file2
    Only in dir1: dir2

    Alt.1 - use of diff

    diff <(ls dir1) <(ls dir2)

    Alt.2 - script without use of diff

     for i in /my/directory/*; do
        name=$(basename "$i")
        if [[ ! -e "/my/other/directory/$name" ]]; then
           echo $name not found in other directory

    diff -qrN dir1 dir2

    if one of the directories has a name that can be confused with a paramenter

    diff -qrN -- -f -z

    where -f and -z are actually directory names

    remove the q parameter to have more detail about what changed. If you want even more detail use the following

    diff -rupN -- dir1 dir2

    上一篇: 如何使用gnu cp命令将文件复制到多个目录

    下一篇: 在linux中查找2个目录之间的差异