elasticsearch: convert StreamOutput to String

I'm overriding FilterClient so I can see incoming requests. I'd like some way to get a String representation of the ActionRequest that's passed in. ActionRequest let's you write to a StreamOuput , which is an Elasticsearch type that is a subclass of OutputStream . This SO post shows how to convert OutputStream to a String, but I'm forced to use StreamOuput due to the FilterClient API.

How do I get a String representation of ActionRequest or at least a readable version that will show me useful information about the request? (Calling ActionRequest.toString calls Object.toString , which is not good enough for me.)

StreamOutput is an abstract class which has a subclass called OutputStreamStreamOutput . The latter is basically a wrapper around an OutputStream , so you'd create an instance that wraps a ByteArrayOutputStream and then use it in the ActionRequest.writeTo() call.

// in your override doExecute method, add this:
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStreamStreamOutput osso = new OutputStreamStreamOutput(baos);

String requestAsString = baos.toString("UTF-8");
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/78454.html

上一篇: 无法拦截和操作Spring Boot中的HttpServletResponse

下一篇: elasticsearch:将StreamOutput转换为String