Convert a string to float in Objective C without rounding it.?

How can i convert a string to float in Objective C without rounding it.?

I tried to convert a string 8.56021285234;

float result=[string floatValue];

giving 8.560213, the rounded value.

How can i avoid this? How i can get the exact value?

The problem is you're using a float. A float can usually only hold around 7-digits max. A double can hold many more digits. A float is 32-bit while a double is 64-bit therefore giving it "double" the precision. A simple work-around to your problem would be to do:

double result = [string doubleValue];

When logging, make sure to use NSLog(@"%.12f",result); to show the entire double as %f defaults to only a 6 decimal precision.

You can't put more than about 7 digits of precision in a float. You need a type with more precision, like double, see here:

Difference between float and double

If you want to convert it use

 double result = [string doubleValue];

For displaying it use %.10f to specify decimal places:

NSLog(@"%.10f", result);

上一篇: 如何确定是否需要float或double?

下一篇: 将字符串转换为在Objective C中浮动而不将其四舍五入。