
我试图让那些出演过最多电影的十个人获得最终电影的名字和电影数量。 我正在使用IMDB数据集。


arangosh [_system]>   var Graph = require("org/arangodb/graph").Graph;
arangosh [_system]>   var db = require("org/arangodb").db;
arangosh [_system]> statement = db._createStatement({query: 'FOR vert IN imdb_vertices FILTER vert.type == "Person" LET edge_count = (LENGTH(EDGES(imdb_edges, vert, "outbound", [{type: "ACTS_IN"}]))) RETURN {"name": vert.name,  "count": edge_count}'})
[object ArangoStatement]

arangosh [_system]> cursor = statement.execute()
[object ArangoQueryCursor]

arangosh [_system]> cursor.next()
  "name" : "Stephanie Faracy", 
  "count" : 0 



arangosh [_system]> db._createStatement({query: 'FOR vert IN imdb_vertices FILTER vert.type == "Person" LET edge_count = (LENGTH(EDGES(imdb_edges, vert, "outbound", [{"type": "Role", "$label": "ACTS_IN"}]))) SORT edge_count DESC LIMIT 10 RETURN {"name": vert.name,  "count": edge_count}'}).execute().toArray()
    "name" : "Clint Eastwood", 
    "count" : 148 
    "name" : "Claude Jade", 
    "count" : 142 
    "name" : "Samuel L. Jackson", 
    "count" : 122 
    "name" : "Armin Mueller-Stahl", 
    "count" : 112 
    "name" : "Gérard Depardieu", 
    "count" : 104 
    "name" : "Marisa Mell", 
    "count" : 104 
    "name" : "Robert De Niro", 
    "count" : 104 
    "name" : "Bruce Willis", 
    "count" : 96 
    "name" : "Jackie Chan", 
    "count" : 94 
    "name" : "Michael Caine", 
    "count" : 90 

基本上你也可以使用“排序”来为LET创建的变量。 限制允许您限制为TOP 10.请注意,顶点中的类型是'角色',标签是'ACTS_IN'。

将数字添加到文档并使用排序后的索引会更有效。 但这需要更新文档。

arangosh [_system]> c = db._createStatement({query: 'FOR vert IN imdb_vertices FILTER vert.type == "Person" LET edge_count = (LENGTH(EDGES(imdb_edges, vert, "outbound", [{"type": "Role", "$label": "ACTS_IN"}]))) RETURN {"_key": vert._key,  "count": edge_count}'}).execute()
[object ArangoQueryCursor]

arangosh [_system]> while (c.hasNext()) { var d = c.next(); db.imdb_vertices.update(d._key, {COUNT: d.count}); }

arangosh [_system]> db.imdb_vertices.ensureSkiplist("COUNT");

arangosh [_system]> x = db._createStatement({query: 'FOR vert in imdb_vertices FILTER vert.COUNT >= 0 SORT vert.COUNT DESC LIMIT 10 RETURN vert'}).execute()
[object ArangoQueryCursor]
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/78731.html

上一篇: How to count and order by number of incoming edges

下一篇: Preserving aspect ratio in R's grid graphics