What libraries should I use for better OCaml Threading?
I have asked a related question before Why OCaml's threading is considered as `not enough`?
No matter how "bad" ocaml's threading is, I notice some libraries say they can do real threading.
For example, Lwt
Lwt offers a new alternative. It provides very light-weight cooperative threads; ``launching'' a thread is a very fast operation, it does not require a new stack, a new process, or anything else. Moreover context switches are very fast. In fact, it is so easy that we will launch a thread for every system call. And composing cooperative threads will allow us to write highly asynchronous programs.
Also Jane Street
's aync_core also provides similar things, if I am right.
But I am quite confused. Do Lwt
or aync_core
provide threading like Java threading
If I use them, can I utilise multiple cpu?
In what way, can I get a "real threading" (just like in Java) in OCaml?
I am still confused.
Let me add a scenario:
I have a server ( 16 cpu cores
) and a server application.
What the server application does are:
In Java, it is very easy. I create a thread pool, then for each request, I create a thread in that pool. that thread will run the computational task. This is mature in Java and it can utilize the 16 cpu cores. Am I right?
So my question is: can I do the same thing in OCaml?
The example of parallelized server that you cite is one of those embarassingly parallel problem that are well solved with a simple multiprocessing model, using fork
. This has been doable in OCaml for decades, and yes, you will an almost linear speedup using all the cores of your machine if you need.
To do that using the simple primitives of the standard library, see this Chapter of the online book "Unix system programming in OCaml" (first released in 2003), and/or this chapter of the online book "Developing Applications with OCaml" (first released in 2000).
You may also want to use higher-level libraries such as Gerd Stolpmann's OCamlnet library mentioned by rafix, which provides a lot of stuff from direct helper for the usual client/server design, to lower-level multiprocess communication libraries; see the documentation.
The library Parmap is also interesting, but maybe for slightly different use case (it's more that you have a large array of data available all at the same time, that you want to process with the same function in parallel): a drop-in remplacement of Array.map
or List.map
(or fold
) that parallelizes computations.
The closest thing you will find to real (preemptive) threading is the built in threading library. By that mean I mean that your programming model will be the same but with 2 important differences:
This makes OCaml's threads a pretty bad solution to either concurrency or parallelism so in general people avoid using them. But they still do have their uses.
Lwt and Async are very similar and provide you with a different flavour of threading - a cooperative style. Cooperative threads differ from preemptive ones in the fact context switching between threads is explicit in the code and blocking calls are always apparent from the type signature. The cooperative threads provided are very cheap so very well suited for concurrency but again will not help you with parallelilsm (due to the limitations of OCaml's runtime).
See this for a good introduction to cooperative threading: http://janestreet.github.io/guide-async.html
EDIT: for your particular scenario I would use Parmap, if the tasks are so computationally intensive as in your example then the overhead of starting the processes from parmap should be negligible.
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