I am the author of a GPL application, can I sell it under a different license?

I have written a simple application (let's call this application Foo ) that is open source and is licensed under GPLv3. (I made a conscious decision to use GPLv3, and I am the sole author of this application)


If I write another application (let's call this application Bar ), and Bar uses Foo , do I need to open source Bar because Foo is licensed under GPL? Since I am the author of the GPL'd application, could I use it without open sourcing Bar ?

Alternatively, am I allowed to use GPL only for public distribution of Foo and also charge money for Foo for people who don't want to open source their applications using Foo by selling it under a different license?


If you are the copyright holder for the code (and I mean all the code), you can dual-licence it to your heart's content.

The GPL confers extra rights on those that comply with it, rights that wouldn't normally be granted under copyright law. It does not remove rights from the copyright holder. It does limit what you can inflict on those who comply with it, but the right to licence your code in other ways alongside the GPL is not affected.

Usual caveats apply: I am not a lawyer, I am certainly not your lawyer. This information is based on legal education from a company that takes this stuff very seriously but it should not be construed as legal advice. In any case, it's worth every cent you paid me for it, which is none.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/79486.html

上一篇: 商业授权的源代码

下一篇: 我是GPL应用程序的作者,我可以根据不同的许可证出售它吗?