Which of these licenses is the most restrictive in its licensing terms?
I'm setting up a new project and I want to choose a license that is as limiting as possible while still being open source.
This really depends on what you mean by 'restrictive.' If you mean, which one make it hardest to use free code in your proprietary application without giving credit to the authors of the code - its the GPL. The opposite of that would be the BSD license. However, I like that license because it makes it harder for people to use my hard work for free without contributing derivative works back to the world. It's free as in 'free speech' - not free beer. So, if you are looking for free beer, stay away from GPL code.
AGPL ..最具限制性的一个
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/79504.html上一篇: GPL许可证和埃菲尔工作室