XNode.DeepEquals unexpectedly returns false

Using XNode.DeepEquals() to compare xml elements, it unexpectedly returns false on two xml documents that I think should be equivalent.


var xmlFromString = XDocument.Parse("<someXml xmlns="someNamespace"/>");
var xmlDirect = new XDocument(new XElement(
  XNamespace.Get("someNamespace") + "someXml"));

Console.WriteLine(XNode.DeepEquals(xmlFromString, xmlDirect));
Console.WriteLine(xmlFromString.ToString() == xmlDirect.ToString());


<someXml xmlns="someNamespace" />
<someXml xmlns="someNamespace" />

The strings are considered equal, but the XML trees are not. Why?

I've worked out what the difference is, but not why it's different.

In the first form, you have an xmlns attribute. In the second form, you don't - not in terms of what Attributes() returns. If you explicitly construct an XAttribute , DeepEquals will return true :

var xmlDirect = new XDocument(new XElement(
  XNamespace.Get("someNamespace") + "someXml",
  new XAttribute("xmlns", "someNamespace")));

It's as if the namespace only counts as an attribute when converting the tree to a text representation, basically.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/79672.html

上一篇: 在iOS上绘制扭曲的文字

下一篇: XNode.DeepEquals意外地返回false