Open Source licensing on libraries & DLL's
Most of you know that the main purpose of Open Source libraries' licensing is to distribute the source code along with your application.
Well - commercially this still applies - regardless if it's GPL or LGPL. Not that I know extremely much about it's tweaks or rules - that's why I'm asking here.
However - I personally wish to keep some code closed source. My question is:
If I do use an external open source library (which I'll gladly release the code)
it will import functions from a closed source DLL - (definitions only)
does that mean I'm allowed to NOT distribute my DLL's code?
You could use GNU's LGPL.
From Wikipedia:
The GNU Lesser General Public License or LGPL (formerly the GNU Library General Public License) is a free software license published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). The LGPL allows developers and companies to use and integrate LGPL software into their own ( even proprietary ) software without being required (by the terms of a strong copyleft) to release the source code of their own software-parts .
(Emphasis mine).
And here is a link to the GNU LGPL official page.
链接地址:上一篇: 在另一个回购中包含DLL的许可限制?
下一篇: 库和DLL的开源许可