Where to add content type for firefox os packged app

I have developed small game and uploaded it to for review, But it got rejected for having mistakes in my app manifest.

This is the message i got from reviewers:

Your app cannot be installed because your server is serving the manifest with an invalid content type - it should be Content-Type: application/x-web-app-manifest+json.

My app URL for testing : curl -I -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0" https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/magic-colors/

Please suggest me where i should ad proper content type, since this is packaged app there is no .htaccess file or i have to create one.

Seems the problem has been fixed as your application has been published into the marketplace yesterday. In your case, I don't know what was the problem as it was a packaged application, but for anyone with a hosted application, if you got this kind of error from the marketplace reviewer team

Your app cannot be installed because your server is serving the manifest with an invalid content type - it should be Content-Type: application/x-web-app-manifest+json.

Please check how you serve the manifest file from your server.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/79760.html

上一篇: 将应用程序提交到Firefox Marketplace时出现验证错误

下一篇: 在哪里添加内容类型的Firefox的OS包装的应用程序