Validation error while submitting app to Firefox Marketplace

I was validating my manifest on this page with this manifest URL of my app hosted on GitHub:

This is the error I got:

Manifests must be served with the HTTP header " Content-Type: application/x-web-app-manifest+json ". See for more information.

So I checked that link mentioned in the error and it says:

If you serve your manifest file from GitHub Pages, GitHub will serve it with the Content-Type header of application/x-web-app-manifest+json .

Assuming that I need to create a GitHub page for my app, I created it and passed on that link to validate. Then I got 2 errors:

  • JSON Parse Error
  • Manifests must be served with the HTTP header " Content-Type: application/x-web-app-manifest+json ". See for more information.
  • My JSON is valid, I had it checked on jsLint. Also, I am assuming that the GitHub page is passing on the required header when I am giving the respective URL. Still it's failing.

    How do I fix this?

    You are not serving this manifest over GitHub pages, but as 'Raw' content. All content on is served as text/plain.

    Use real Github pages to make this work.


    上一篇: Firefox Marketplace API:应用程序图标在成功上传后保持默认状态

    下一篇: 将应用程序提交到Firefox Marketplace时出现验证错误