Firefox Marketplace API: app icon stays default after successful upload

I try to update the Firefox Marketplace entry of an app programatically via the Python API . I am able to successfully upload screenshots using the client.create_screenshot(app_id, filename) method from the module marketplace against the development environment at

Within the Python API there is no method to upload the Icon. In the Marketplace API documentation though, there is a REST point to upload the icon: Updating an App Icon

I used the documentation to write my own method to upload the icon:

import mimetypes
import sys
from base64 import b64encode
from urlparse import urlunparse

def post_icon_file(client, app_id, filename):
  with open(filename, 'rb') as s_file:
    s_content =
    s_encoded = b64encode(s_content)
    url = urlunparse((client.protocol, '%s:%s' % (client.domain, client.port),
      '%s/api/v2%s' % (client.prefix, '/apps/app/' + str(app_id) + '/icon/'),
      '', '', ''))

    print url

    mtype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
    if mtype is None:
      mtype = 'image/jpeg'

    data = {'file': {
      'type': mtype,
      'data': s_encoded

    response = client.conn.fetch('PUT', url, data)

    if response.status_code != 200:
      print str(response.status_code) + ': Uploaded icon ' + filename + ' for app ID ' + str(app_id)

Problem: The response of the upload is a success (200). I get the message:

200: Uploaded icon /path/to/icon/icon-512.png for app ID 1234567

Still in the Marketplace entry at[slug]/edit, the App Icon is shown as the default icon

My Investigation so far:

  • If I get the status of the app via client.status(app_id) the entries for the icons are still the default ones, eg: icons: {u'128': u''

  • I tried to upload an icon in the size of 128 by 128 pixels and another one in 512 by 512 pixels. Both have the same result: success, but they are not changed in the entry.

  • Try deploy your Zamboni [1] instance and [2] file a bug and make pull request. You can see bugs like this in the past [3]





    上一篇: 移动和台式电脑的Web应用程序

    下一篇: Firefox Marketplace API:应用程序图标在成功上传后保持默认状态