My app does not appear in searches on the marketplace

My app is available on the firefox marketplace at

However if I search for "shopping" or "shopping list" in the marketplace app or on it does not appear anywhere.

What is going on ?

Your app does not appear when searching the Firefox Marketplace from Desktop or Android because we filter search results to show only apps that will work on the device you are searching from, and you did not check the boxes to say that it is available on desktop or android. Like Jason, I easily found your app when searching from my Firefox OS phone.


Marketplace reviewer here. Your app is public and has the following requirements: IndexedDB, Smartphone-Sized Displays (qHD), Vibration.

You should be able to find it, no matter what version you are using.

My guess is that your are using any hyphen to look for it. If you try using "shopping", it will be in the third place:

这是我使用Flame 2.1找到的


上一篇: FireFoxOS市场没有更新时该怎么做

下一篇: 我的应用没有出现在市场上的搜索中