What to do when the FireFoxOS marketplace does not update

I have a FirefoxOS device, but a week ago I tried to grab a new update of the Marketplace app. For some reason it starts to update, but it does never complete. It keeps hanging in "Downloading Marketplace", and after a while it tells "Could not download Marketplace"

I tried several things, multiple times:

  • stop/cancel the download, retry.
  • enable/disable Wifi
  • enable/disable 3G
  • reboot
  • remove battery, reboot
  • I also tried to find settings that might be related to updating apps, but I cannot find anything.

    FirefoxOS Marketplace不会更新

    It seems to be in some kind of routine where it does not allow to download/update that app anymore, but I also cannot open it.

    If anyone has good ideas, I love to hear it. Now I cannot download new apps anymore.

    I use a model called qcom, with software Boot2Gecko Firefox OS, platform version 32.0.

    Some of the Prerelease versions affecting with this bug!Update the Firefox OS to the latest version and then try again. It will work then.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/79786.html

    上一篇: Firefox错误'找不到元素'

    下一篇: FireFoxOS市场没有更新时该怎么做