How to test privileged packaged apps on Firefox for Desktop?

It is possible to distribute a packaged app via Firefox Marketplace for installation on Firefox for Desktop. Apps for Firefox OS devices I can test comfortably via about:app-manager either on a USB connected device, or with the simulator.

How can I test a packaged app on Firefox for Desktop?



I found that I can debug an app that I have installed from Marketplace by starting it with the -debug option and an optional port number:

 C:UsersFelixAppDataRoamingthetacontrol-56cab87ea3eecf190668cfb505f92c56>"Theta Control.exe" -debug 6000

The next step is to connect to the port from Firefox developer tools:


Still I don't know how to debug an app that is not (yet) on Marketplace.

没有找到调试特权应用的方法,所以我创建了bugzilla的bug,投票,请更快解决这个问题: = 1038533

You can refer to debugging guideline of web apps for Friefox desktop.

To access the console (and other remote developer tools), start the app from a command line with the -debug flag and optionally specifying a port (default: 6000). For example, on a Mac the Mykzilla test app is started with:

/Applications/ -debug 6000

Then, in Firefox, on the Developer Tools menu click Connect… and connect to the “localhost” host at the port you specified. After clicking Connect in Firefox, go back to your app and confirm the connection. Then return to Firefox and select a “tab” (ie an open window in your app) or “Main Process” to debug the Web Runtime's chrome code.

Then a copy of Firefox's Remote Developer Tools should open in a new window, and it should be connected to the “tab” you selected.


上一篇: Firefox添加

下一篇: 如何测试Firefox for Desktop上的特权打包应用程序?