MSVCRT system function return code is always

What can cause MSVCRT system() function to always return -1 error code, even if the application is executed and exited successfully and returning 0 as its exit code?

Ive made tests with TDM-GCC-4.9.2 and FASM that only calls system() and printing the return code, and they all print -1 so its not my dev environment.

Also errno is 0 after the call to system() and GetLastError returns 18 There are no more files, which is odd.

In fact every application on my system that uses system() now always assumes it failed.

So this is a global problem with MSVCRT that i cant seem to reproduce on any other machine, some help would be appreciated.

EDIT : After some debugging, system calls _spawnve which in turn calls CreateProcessA and then WaitForSingleObject . After the executable terminates it calls GetExitCodeProcess and that is the one that returns -1 which then gets fed back up the chain.

EDIT 2 : After some more testing, it seems system only returns -1 if the called process returns 0 otherwise it returns the correct value.

EDIT 3 : Just to clarify, even though system returns -1 , the called process is executed successfully.

EDIT 4 : Here are my test sources.
The one that always return 0 success:

#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char* argv[argc]) {
    return 0;

The one that always fails:

#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char* argv[argc]) {
    return 1;

And the one that calls it:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char* argv[argc]) {
    printf( "success == %d %dn", system("test_success.exe", errno);
    printf( "failure == %d %dn", system("test_fail.exe", errno);
    return 0;

The output of this is:

success == -1 0
failure == 1 0

EDIT 5 : Since system calls _spawnve calls CreateProcess i tried them all, and they all return -1 when calling cmd /c test_success but when calling cmd /c test_fail they work as expected. So this seems to be a deeper issue not directly related to system .

EDIT 6 : After much faffing around i changed ComSpec to C:Windowswinsxsamd64_microsoft-windows-commandprompt_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_e932cc2c30fc13b0cmd.exe and everything works now! Which is a bit weird since im on an Intel Core 2 Duo, and its probably not the right thing to do here, but still im satisfied :p

Im adding an answer to myself because i consider this done.

Changing ComSpec from C:WindowsSystem32cmd.exe to C:Windowswinsxsamd64_microsoft-windows-commandprompt_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.17514_none_e932cc2c30fc13b0cmd.exe solved all the issues i had with bogus exit codes.


   The value returned is -1 on  error  (e.g.,  fork(2)  failed),  and  the
   return  status  of the command otherwise.  This latter return status is
   in the format specified in wait(2).  Thus, the exit code of the command
   will  be  WEXITSTATUS(status).   In case /bin/sh could not be executed,
   the exit status will be that of a command that does exit(127).

   If the value of command is NULL, system() returns nonzero if the  shell
   is available, and zero if not.

   system() does not affect the wait status of any other children.

上一篇: 编译器:如果条件永远是真/假,该怎么办?

下一篇: MSVCRT系统函数返回码始终为