Maven deploy "Release Note" as artifact

Requirement : Upload (deploy) an additional file (a text format release note file) along with jar/war to nexus.

Possible Solution : Use maven deploy plugin as below:


Problems :

  • RELEASENOTE.MD file is optional. The file should be deployed only if it is present. The above solution throws an error if the file is not present.
  • [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.4:deploy-file (default) on project ...RELEASENOTE.MD not found.

  • Need an option to specify file name by regex (example: *RELEASENOTE.MD ). maven deploy plugin does not accept regex.
  • [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.4:deploy-file (default) on project ...*RELEASENOTE.MD not found.

    How can these two problems be circumvented?

    Move the deployment of the release notes to its own maven profile and activate that profile only if the release notes file is present.

        <!-- deployment of release notes declarations here -->

    See Introduction to Build Profiles for more information.

    Regarding the regex requirement you should set up a naming policy for the release notes and implement that as variable accessible by the maven build. The build helper maven plugin might be of use there.

    Combining the inputs from @SpaceTrucker and @khmarbaise , came up with the following solution:



  • maven-deploy-plugin within profile activation works too. However, it poses a difficulty for release/snapshot build parameterization due to its <url> tag. build-helper-maven-plugin is a simpler solution

  • Filename regex can be handled through a wrapper shell build script

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    下一篇: Maven将“发行说明”部署为工件