Logstash: Received an event that has a different character encoding

when using logstash I see an error like this one :

Received an event that has a different character encoding than you configured. {:text=>"2014-06-22T11:49:57.832631+02:00 date=2014-06-22 time=11:49:55 device_id=LM150D9L23000422 log_id=0312318759 type=statistics pri=information session_id="s617nnE2019973-s617nnE3019973" client_name="[<IP address>]" dst_ip="<ip address>" from="machin@machin.fr" to="truc@machin.fr" polid="0:1:1" domain="machin.fr" subject="xF0xCCxC1xD4xC9 xD4xCFxCCxD8xCBxCF xDAxC1 xD0xD2xCFxC4xC1xD6xC9!" mailer="mta" resolved="OK" direction="in" virus="" disposition="Quarantine" classifier="FortiGuard AntiSpam" message_length="1024"", :expected_charset=>"UTF-8", :level=>:warn}

my logstash.conf is :

 input {
            path => "/var/log/fortimail.log"


 filter  {
    grok {
                    # grok-parsing for logs
 output {
    elasticsearch {
            host => ""
            embedded => true
            cluster => "Mastertest"
            node_name => "MasterNode"
            protocol => "http"

I do not know what codec should be used for the correct format of events ?? he problem is in the subject field.

This is because the default charset is UTF-8 and the incoming message contained a character not in the UTF-8 set

To fix this set the charset in the input section using codec and the correct charset. For example

file {
            path => "var/log/http/access_log"
            type => apache_access_log
            codec => plain {
                    charset => "ISO-8859-1"
            stat_interval => 60


If u received the logs from external server try to use:

input {
   udp {
     port => yourListenPort
     type => inputType
     codec => plain {
       charset => "ISO-8859-1"

i have the same error and i used this, works!

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/80116.html

上一篇: 我如何通过Polymer创建数据表组件

下一篇: Logstash:收到一个具有不同字符编码的事件