Google Cloud Storage Java Client Library with Gradle

Google promotes their new Java Client library here:

Note: I am not talking about the native REST library. I want to work with the Java Client Library.

On the website, Google does not specify the import directive for Gradle. For Maven, pom.xml looks like this:


When I change this to work with my Gradle project, it doesn't work:

dependencies {
    compile ''

It finds the tools there, but the cannot be resolved (it resolves tools, though).

What I did then: I removed the library and seached for "gcs" in the Android Studio dependencies dialog; and it finds and adds the following directive to build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile ''

Same problem with that as before: tools is resolved, but not tools.cloudstorage.

  • What am I doing wrong? Where does the library live/which import statement will I need to add to Gradle?
  • I don't want to download the jar as I want my project to update jars automatically. mavenCentral() is set, and here is my full build.gradle file, just in case you need it:

    apply plugin: 'java'
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        compile ''
        compile ''

    Any help appreciated, thanks!

    You can use the following to specify version 0.4.4 (the most recent as of 1/14/2015):

    compile ''

    or specify the latest version with a plus sign:

    compile ''

    Using the latter is the faster answer, but it may cause unintended compatibility issues in the future as updates are release.


    上一篇: ObservableList <Message>到TableView

    下一篇: 带有Gradle的Google Cloud Storage Java客户端库