JavaFX TableView invert rows and columns

Is there any reasonably simple way to invert the rows and columns in a TableView, so that columns are horizontal? I am using a TableView to display and edit some properties of an object, where one column holds the property keys and the other one (mostly editable) values.

The solution I have now is cumbersome, since I can not use TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn() for example since different rows need different cell types. Also if I want one property not to be editable through the table, I somehow need to explicitly change that in the CellFactory.

The picture below is correct, and it works, but with code that is too complicated and hard to maintain. I want the same thing but with different CellFactories for each row.



上一篇: JavaFX TableView不显示内容

下一篇: JavaFX TableView翻转行和列