Measuring an Android process memory usage

What is the correct way to measure an android process memory usage? The Allocated memory after GC? Or should i look at something else?

Edit 2: With correct way = should i measure using heap dump or should i use USS+PSS values? Why measure using USS when allocated memory in my opinion is a better way?

Edit: TY, and yes i've already looked at this answer. Though i realy cant find an answer for my question in that post. Quote: "So how much memory a processes uses is really not clear". (because the shared ram is hard to calculate?) What is the most accepted solution?

Im looking at this post: If you show heap updates on your application then cause a GC you get some memory info: There you have The Allocated memory after GC, whats wrong looking at that number?

Ive also looked at and dumped the hprof and loaded it in Eclipse memory Analyzer. Looking at the "The retained size" for my application, wouldnt that be a number to look at? Dosent that mean if i kill my process, this much memory would be freed? Isnt that the definition of USS?

Thanks, and sorry if my first question wasnt clear.


上一篇: 如何衡量代码或过程的累积内存使用情况?

下一篇: 测量Android进程内存使用情况