How to Fix No MBean found for Worklight project?
I have a problem when deploying my Worklight project on the server . It shows the following Error Message :
FWLSE3041E: No MBean found for Worklight project 'MyProject'. Possibly the Worklight runtime web application for Worklight project 'MyProject' is not running. If it is running, use JConsole to inspect the available MBeans.
and when I tried to preview my application it showed this message :
SRVE0777E: Exception thrown by application class 'com.worklight.core.auth.impl.AuthenticationFilter.verifyServletInitialized:420'
I had the same issue using Worklight 6.2 CLI, but recreating the project did not work.
One issue that I had was that worklight did not build a .war-file properly, so I copied the .war-file from a backup.
Edit: This happens regularly in our project now, and we have no idea why. We fix it by invoking any procedure, which makes it work until you restart the server. Worklight must be building something when invoking a procedure that it does not do when building.
我解决了这个问题,通过创建一个新的Worklight项目并复制我所有的文件,它的工作原理很好:)我使用Worklight 6.1而不是6.2
I solved this by fixing a recently created security test in
The problem was I mispelled the Realm name I previously defined.
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