execve system call from Assembly


.section .data
.ascii       "/bin/sh"

.section .text
.globl main

    pushl %ebp
    movl %esp, %ebp
    subl $0x8, %esp         # array of two pointers. array[0] = file_to_run  array[1] = 0

    movl file_to_run, %edi
    movl %edi, -0x4(%ebp)   
    movl $0, -0x8(%ebp)

    movl $11, %eax                      # sys_execve
    movl file_to_run, %ebx              # file to execute       
    leal -4(%ebp), %ecx                 # command line parameters
    movl $0, %edx                       # environment block
    int  $0x80              



NAME = asm_execve
$(NAME) : $(NAME).s
    gcc -o $(NAME) $(NAME).s

Program is executed, but sys_execve is not called:

alex@alex32:~/project$ make
gcc -o asm_execve asm_execve.s
alex@alex32:~/project$ ./asm_execve 

Expected output is:

alex@alex32:~/project$ ./asm_execve 
$ exit

This Assembly program is supposed to work like the following C code:

char *data[2];
data[0] = "/bin/sh"; 
data[1] = NULL;
execve(data[0], data, NULL);

Something wrong in system call parameters?

The execve system call is being called, but you are indeed passing it bad parameters.

(You can see this by running your executable using strace .)

There are three problems:

  • .ascii does not 0-terminate the string. (You might get lucky, as there is nothing following it in your .data section in this example, but that's not guaranteed...) Add a 0, or use .asciz (or .string ) instead.

  • movl file_to_run, %edi moves the value pointed to by the file_to_run symbol into %edi , ie the first 4 bytes of the string ( 0x6e69622f ). The address of the string is just the value of the symbol itself, so you need to use the $ prefix for literal values: movl $file_to_run, %edi . Similarly, you need to say movl $file_to_run, %ebx a few lines further down. (This is a common source of confusion between AT&T syntax and Intel syntax!)

  • The parameters are placed on the stack in the wrong order: -0x8(%ebp) is a lower address than -0x4(%ebp) . So the address of the command string should be written to -0x8(%ebp) , the 0 should be written to -0x4(%ebp) , and the leal instruction should be leal -8(%ebp), %ecx .

  • Fixed code:

    .section .data
    .asciz       "/bin/sh"
    .section .text
    .globl main
        pushl %ebp
        movl %esp, %ebp
        subl $0x8, %esp         # array of two pointers. array[0] = file_to_run  array[1] = 0
        movl $file_to_run, %edi
        movl %edi, -0x8(%ebp)   
        movl $0, -0x4(%ebp)
        movl $11, %eax                      # sys_execve
        movl $file_to_run, %ebx              # file to execute       
        leal -8(%ebp), %ecx                 # command line parameters
        movl $0, %edx                       # environment block
        int  $0x80              

    You actually don't need to load anything in the other arguments. If you are doing this in x86 the following simpler code will also work:

    .global _main
    .section .text
    .asciz "/bin/sh"
    .section .text
    .globl main
    pushl %ebp
    movl %esp, %ebp
    movl $11, %eax                      # sys_execve
    movl $file_to_run, %ebx              # file to execute       
    movl $0, %ecx                       # Null value will work too
    movl $0, %edx                       # Null will works too
    int  $0x80              

    This will essentially open a shell terminal after invoking the system call.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/80340.html

    上一篇: 堆栈帧对齐到不同的大小?

    下一篇: 来自Assembly的execve系统调用