How to Draw chart in windows phone 8 or 8.1 without using external library?

How can I can draw a simple chart in Windows Phone 8 or 8.1 without using an external library, I want to use C# + XAML code only.

I searched for a free library to do that on Windows Phone 8.1 (universal app) but I couldn't find any. All libraries I've found supported Windows Phone 8 or 7, not Windows Phone 8.1 .

I made in answer in this similar question How to do Chart on Windows Phone Universal App

It might be able to help you. Telerik has an API that costs money and Google have a free one where you can get Charts through http requests. Check my reply - you might wanna use one of these. My answer is not about drawing it through XAML / C# which can be quite comprehensive.

To Draw it yourself through code you probably wanna create a Custom Control. Here is a few links to get you started:


  • 使用默认工具非常困难,但您可以使用telerik控件


    上一篇: Rust Json序列化重叠责任

    下一篇: 如何在不使用外部库的情况下在windows phone 8或8.1中绘制图表?