summernote add class in img

I want to add a class (class="img-responsive") in the images which i add with the editor.

actually i get this code after i saved my text:

<img src="LINK" style="width: 628px; height: 470.7191413237925px;">

in the summernote.js i found this code:

     * create `<image>` from url string
     * @param {String} sUrl
     * @return {Promise} - then: $image
    var createImage = function (sUrl) {
      return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
        $('<img>').one('load', function () {
        }).one('error abort', function () {
          display: 'none'
        }).appendTo(document.body).attr('src', sUrl);

    return {
      readFileAsDataURL: readFileAsDataURL,
      createImage: createImage

i dont know if that is the right code to add a class, and also i dont know how and where to add class="img-responsive"

This is probably way too late, but just did it with jQuery myself.

In your .js or bottom of your template:


and it will use your Bootstrap img-responsive class for all images that were added in the editor.

I think you want to add .addClass() to the created image element:

var createImage = function (sUrl) {
      return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
        $('<img>').one('load', function () {
        }).one('error abort', function () {
          display: 'none'
        }).appendTo(document.body).attr('src', sUrl);

Or further up in that script you will find the insertImage() function. Alternatively, you could add .addClass() there, like so:

this.insertImage = function ($editable, sUrl) {
    async.createImage(sUrl).then(function ($image) {
            display: '',
            width: Math.min($editable.width(), $image.width())
    }).fail(function () {
        var callbacks = $'callbacks');
        if (callbacks.onImageUploadError) {

I think you can achieve this through 'onImageUpload' function of Summernote.

 onImageUpload : function(files) {
  if (!files.length) return;
  var file = files[0];
  var reader  = new FileReader();
  reader.onloadend = function () {
      var img = $("<img>").attr({src: reader.result, class: "img-responsive"}); // << Add here img attributes !
      $(TariffHTMLId).summernote("insertNode", img[0]);

If you are ok to replace the whole content with the uploaded image, you can just do this in onImageUpload

var image = $('<img>').attr({src: reader.result, class: "img-responsive"});

上一篇: 在提交pre之前修改文件

下一篇: summernote在img中添加类