webcam "still pin" capture

I am trying to replicate the image quality that is achieved when using the Logitech webcam driver to capture a still image.

The Logitech forum has several threads about the subject unfortunately they all point to a website which is down. such as here.

I am currently able to use DirectShow and a frame grabber to capture images, but they are nowhere near the quality of the snapshot button. Could anyone point me to the direction of a working c++/c example of a snapshot button?

After some research I found this about the Still Image pin, is this the correct method for implementing a snapshot like button?

The webcam I am using the c910 and is capable of taking 10 mega-pixel still images.

Thanks for any help.

My best guess, which I'll use to gather some upvotes (or downvotes), and which will be valid until someone disassembles the application or the driver, is:

Something alike was used at the application level to enhance the resolution of the images collected as a video.

Rationale: having a friend pulling his hair over simpler things inside the driver, I can only imagine how difficult it should be to code such an algorithm INSIDE the driver with extremely limited set of libraries.

I won't mind taking downvotes here, since I'm too interested in this subject, but please have some information available on the subject.

I did not have a chance to deal with this directly, however I suspect that high resolution images captured from the camera are a result of taking a sequence of images followed by "superresolution" post-processing. This functionality might be unavailable via DirectShow API, since it mostly covers video streaming. However, the camera driver might also make it available via Windows Image Acquisition API, where you might have better luck taking oversampled snapshots of the quality you are looking for.


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