Json Datetime issue
Possible Duplicate:
how to force netwtonsoft json serializer to serialize datetime property to string?
I am using Newtonsoft.Json to convert my object in to JSon file. But i am having issue with the DateTime, in my object datetime field is set as "7/30/2012 8:29:12 PM"
but in Json file i am getting datetime field in this format "/Date(1343660352227+0530)/"
i need to get the datetime in the same format as that of the object. is it possible?what should i do in order to get the same format?
I got the solution as follow.
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this, Formatting.None, new IsoDateTimeConverter() {
DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
Here is the answer:
how to force netwtonsoft json serializer to serialize datetime property to string?
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/8154.html上一篇: 如何转换此日期格式:/日期(1268524800000)/?
下一篇: Json Datetime问题