1 fingerprint of keystore certificate
Is the method for getting a SHA-1 fingerprint the same as the method of getting the a fingerprint? Previously, I was running this command:
It's not clear to me if the result I'm getting is the SHA-1 fingerprint. Can somebody clarify this?
Follow this tutorial for creating SHA1 fingerprint for Google Map v2
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
for Release mode:
keytool -list -v -keystore {keystore_name} -alias {alias_name}
keytool -list -v -keystore C:UsersMGDesktoptest.jks -alias test
If you are using android studio use simple step
tree android
-> signingReport
and see the magic Result Under Run Tab If Android Studio < 2.2
From android studio 2.2
Result will be available under Run console but use highlighted toggle button
Second Way is
Create new project in android studio New -> Google Maps Activity
then open google_maps_api.xml xml file as shown in pics you will see your SHA key
Easiest way for getting SHA1 Key in android studio both (Debug and release Mode)
Android Studio
(You will get SHA1
and MD5
in Run Bar) If you are using new Android Studio it shows time to execute on top there is Toggle task execution mode click on that you will get you SHA-1 key. Check 2nd and 3rd reference images.
Generate SHA-1 for Release Mode
1-First add keystore config in your gradle How to add config in gradle.
2-After Adding Config in gradle change build variant.
3-Then Follow Above Procedure you will get SHA-1 for release mode.
4-Check Image.
下一篇: 密钥库证书的1个指纹