How to add tags to docker images made using autobuild

I've searched around and can't find a real answer to this. If I create a docker git repo and set up autobuild to my dockerhub account, it will build with a single tag (ie latest, or 1.0 or foo) but I can't find any way to add a tag afterwards as you can via command line with a locally built docker image. Pulling down the image and then retagging doesn't work as the autobuild repos are read-only outside of the webui.

Being able to manually add a tag to an existing build would satisfy me for now, but being able to script in something to grab the correct tag version would be the best solution.

You can do this through the UI somewhat indirectly:

  • Select Automated Build
  • 自动构建

  • Add a new build trigger
  • Select Tag from the drop down on the left
  • Enter the git commit hash of the change you want tagged as the Name
  • Enter the tag you want to add to your build 标签
  • 链接地址:

    上一篇: 将文件传输到webworker:DataCloneError:无法克隆该对象

    下一篇: 如何将标签添加到使用自动构建创建的码头图像