XCTest expect method call with swift

How to write a test that expects a method call using swift and XCTest?

I could use OCMock, but they don't officially support swift, so not much of an option.

As you said OCMock does not support Swift(nor OCMockito), so for now the only way I see is to create a hand rolled mock. In swift this is a little bit less painful since you can create inner classes within a method, but still is not as handy as a mocking framework.

Here you have an example. The code is self explanatory, the only thing I had to do(see EDIT 1 below) to make it work is to declare the classes and methods I want to use from the test as public(seems that the test classes do not belong to the same application's code module - will try to find a solution to this).

EDIT 1 2016/4/27: Declaring the classes you want test as public is not necessary anymore since you can use the "@testable import ModuleName" feature.

The test:

import XCTest
import SwiftMockingPoC

class MyClassTests: XCTestCase {

    func test__myMethod() {
        // prepare
        class MyServiceMock : MyService {

            var doSomethingWasCalled = false

            override func doSomething(){
                doSomethingWasCalled = true

        let myServiceMock = MyServiceMock()

        let sut = MyClass(myService: myServiceMock)

        // test

        // verify



public class MyClass {

    let myService: MyService

    public init(myService: MyService) {
        self.myService = myService

    public func myMethod() {



public class MyService {

    public init() {


    public func doSomething() {


链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/81732.html

上一篇: http非永久连接模式有什么用处

下一篇: XCTest期望用swift方法调用