Rotate a Quaternion with Euler angles using Eigen
I'm trying to create a quaternion, rotate it around Euler-Angles and transform it back to Euler Angles. I am using Eigen. Convert from Euler to Quaternion and vice versa works fine, but when i rotate around using Angle Axis my values are off about 20 - 50%. For example when i try to rotate from 0,0,0 to 90,50,60 i get x: 75,5 y: 103,13, z: 78,46. Any ideas where i take the wrong turn? I use 102/YXZ convention. i tried to implement it like described here: Rotate a quaternion by Euler angles input.
Vector3f retVector;
Matrix3f rotFromMat, qautRotMatrix;
const auto fromPitch = xFrom*M_PI/360;
const auto fromYaw = zFrom*M_PI / 360;
const auto fromRoll = yFrom*M_PI / 360;
rotFromMat = AngleAxisf(fromRoll, Vector3f::UnitY())
* AngleAxisf(fromPitch, Vector3f::UnitX())
* AngleAxisf(fromYaw, Vector3f::UnitZ());
Quaternionf fromQuat(rotFromMat);
fromQuat = fromQuat * AngleAxisf(yTo, Vector3f::UnitY());
fromQuat = fromQuat * AngleAxisf(xTo, Vector3f::UnitX());
fromQuat = fromQuat * AngleAxisf(zTo, Vector3f::UnitZ());
qautRotMatrix = fromQuat.toRotationMatrix();
retVector = quatRotMatrix.eulerAngles(1, 0, 2);
retVector *= 360 / M_PI;
return retVector;
You didn't gave enough details on how to reproduce this.
But I can tell see two mistakes: * The ratio between degrees and radian is 180/PI and not 360/PI. * Your rotation order is wrong! The left side is rotating the right side:
fromQuat = AngleAxisf(...) * fromQuat;
From the date I can guess you already solve this, I comment here for the new viewers
链接地址:下一篇: 使用特征根据欧拉角旋转四元数