PHP upload fail for some PDF files (empty MIME type)

I have a application that allows upload of PDF files and compressed files (zip, rar, tar, etc...). I'm using this list of MIME types as reference to check the type of the files.

Here is PHP snippet for upload:

//this function is called by AJAX
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$check= finfo_file($finfo,$file["tmp_name"]);

if ($check != 'application/pdf' && $check != 'application/x-rar-compressed' && $check != 'application/x-rar'
    && $check != 'application/zip' && $check != 'application/x-compressed' && $check != 'application/x-zip-compressed' && $check != 'multipart/x-zip'
    && $check != 'application/octet-stream' && $check != 'application/gzip' && $check != 'application/tar'
    && $check != 'application/tar+gzip') {
        echo json_encode(array('msg'=>'error. Try PDF or compressed file (zip, rar)'));exit();
if ($file['size'] > 10485760) { //10 MB
    echo json_encode(array('msg'=>'error. Max size is 10MB'));exit();
$upload = new Upload($file);//Helper class to upload files
//the file is saved

All working fine in my local environment and also in the server when I make the tests, but my client is using a PDF file that is throwing the "error. Try PDF or compressed file (zip, rar)".

I got the same file that he's using(by email) and when I test on my local machine all works fine. In the debug, the $check var has the value application/pdf .

Looking for any solution I found this question in SO and now I thinking. Should I include the application/vnd.pdf , application/x-pdf or even text/pdf in the first if block? It could compromise my application?

I'm using Firefox, but also tested in Chrome and Opera. He noted this bug in IE11, but also in Chrome. Is it possible that his computer or the browser is changing the MIME type?

Note: The problematic file has a name like "file.PDF"(PDF is Caps Lock), but I don't think it is causing the problem. As I said, the same file works in my tests.


Following the @fusion3k's suggestion in the comments, I printed the $check var with the error message. Now when I try to upload a image for example I get:

Try PDF or compressed file (zip, rar). image/jpeg

The problem now is that the problematic files (it's more than one now) are printing a empty string after error message and I don't know what to do, once the MIME type is, apparently, empty.

According to the user, the PDF is generated by a old scanner and I think that could be the problem, but the strange thing is the same file (when sent to me by e-mail) working fine.


上一篇: 请求和EchoSign

下一篇: 某些PDF文件(空的MIME类型)导致PHP上传失败