How to download an excel file in Safari

Hello JavaScripters,

I'm trying to download a blob file with type xlsx (excel) in Safari. I did this:

obReader = new FileReader();
obReader.onload = function(e) {
    obdata = btoa(obReader.result);
    obDatauri = 'data:' + isbContentType + ';base64,' + obdata;
    window.location = obDatauri; 

This code above downloads pdf and txt files but when I use to download an excel file it doesn't works.

The var iobBLOB has the blob and isbContentType has the Content-Type, I have been used this ones:

  • application/
  • application/force-download
  • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
  • and others seen in here

    The Blob files has this type:


    Tested on a Macbook pro, Safari 9.03

    Note: This code works on ChromeiOS and Safari (iPhone)

    Thanks for the help!


    上一篇: 下载Excel无法在iPad中工作

    下一篇: 如何在Safari中下载excel文件