case of friend classes in C#

Consider the following code pattern:

// Each foo keeps a reference to its manager
class Foo
    private FooManager m_manager;

// Manager keeps a list of all foos
class FooManager
    private List<Foo> m_foos;

Problem: there is no way to create a new Foo and update both m_foos list in the FooManager, and m_manager reference in the new Foo instance without exposing some privates publicly (and running the risk of someone desyncing the list with actual Foos).

Eg one could implement a constructor Foo(FooManager manager) in Foo. It could set m_manager reference, but it has no way to access the m_foos list. Or you could implement CreateFoo() method in the manager. It can access m_foos list, but it has no way to set m_manager in Foo.

In C++, one would obviously declare FooManager a friend of Foo to express the design intent, but this is not possible in C#. I also know that I could make Foo an inner class of FooManager to gain access, but this is not a solution either (what if Foo could belong to more than one manager class?)

Btw. I know about "internal" access in .NET, but it requires that Foo and FooManager live on their own in a separate assembly, which is not acceptable.

Any workarounds for that without making private stuff public?


public abstract class FooBus
    protected static FooBus m_bus;

public sealed class Foo : FooBus
    private FooManager m_manager;

    public Foo(FooManager fm)
        if (fm == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("Use FooManager.CreateFoo()");

        if (m_bus != fm)
            throw new ArgumentException("Use FooManager.CreateFoo()");

        m_manager = fm;

public class FooManager : FooBus
    private List<Foo> m_foos = new List<Foo>();

    public Foo CreateFoo()
        m_bus = this;
        Foo f = new Foo(this);
        m_bus = null;

        return f;

One option would be to use a private nested class for Foo that implements a public interface:

public interface IFoo
    // Foo's interface

public sealed class FooManager
    private readonly List<Foo> _foos = new List<Foo>();

    public IFoo CreateFoo()
        var foo = new Foo(this);
        return foo;

    private class Foo : IFoo
        private readonly FooManager _manager;

        public Foo(FooManager manager)
            _manager = manager;

As the Foo class is a private nested class, it can't be created outside the FooManager, and so FooManager's CreateFoo() method ensures that everything stays in-sync.

What you can do is create your classes inside a different kind of namespace, let's call it a "module" (don't be fooled by the class keyword, this is not a real class):

public static partial class FooModule {

  // not visible outside this "module"
  private interface IFooSink {
    void Add(Foo foo);

  public class Foo {
    private FooManager m_manager;
    public Foo(FooManager manager) {
      m_manager = manager;

  public class FooManager : IFooSink {
    private List<Foo> m_foos = new List<Foo>();
    void IFooSink.Add(Foo foo) {


Since the "module" is a partial class, you can still create other members inside it in other files in the same compilation unit.


上一篇: 什么是私人界面?

下一篇: C#中的好友类的情况