The various options for solving PermGen problems
I am looking into the various options around garbage collection on a Java 6 18 VM and would like some pointers.
We run our application on JBoss, and occasionally there are the infamous PermGen errors during redeploys. There is a lot of conflicting and obsolete information on the internet about the best way to solve or mitigate this problem.
From what I can see, the following is correct:
I have two questions resulting from this:
and CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled
come into this? From what I can see CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
supercedes or implicitly enables CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled
. Do either of them help with the above problem? Unfortunately, the answers are:
The basic problem is that the GC will not garbage collect a strongly reachable object. You need to figure out why those old application class loaders are still reachable after a redeploy ... and fix the leak.
Alternatively, give up on hot redeployment on your production servers, or restart the web container (eg JBoss) more often.
Long but good reading: In short, it is solvable. Not easy, but solvable.
链接地址:上一篇: XX:MaxPermSize呢?
下一篇: 解决PermGen问题的各种选项