Firebase hosting and deploying only new/changed/touched files

I'm using Firebase Hosting for hosting a web app. I'm also hosting some small screencasts on the site, however every time I want to make a change to the app and deploy, I have to wait for the videos to be pushed.

Is there a way to selectively push changes to Firebase? Also, why does Firebase not simply push new/changed/touched files? I assume because its not doing any revision control for hosted applications and therefore isn't tracking such things, but that just makes the selective push much more of a need.

Currently, Firebase is not performing any sort of revision control, so automatic ignoring of files that haven't been changed/touched is not an option. However, in firebase.json, one can specify files to ignore in the .ignore section.

I had been looking for more of a manual option to specify in the command line when performing a firebase deploy , but performing it in the firebase.json file probably makes more sense if one knows the file has not been changed or does not need re-deploying.

From the docs:


"ignore": [

optional - The ignore setting is an optional parameter since v1.0.1 of firebase-tools that specifies files to ignore on deploy. It can take glob definitions the same way Git handles .gitignore.


上一篇: 如何为UIWebView设置自定义键盘

下一篇: Firebase托管和部署仅新/更改/触及的文件