Is there a "default" MIME type?

Is there what could be considered a "default" mimetype?

I've seen "unknown/unknown" and "application/binary". But is there a default to revert to when no other MIME type is found?

The least specific official MIME type is application/octet-stream . Without any additional information, it says "here is a bunch of bytes, hopefully there is an application over on your end which knows what to do with them". Sometimes there is a file name which helps convey to the recipient what to do with the data.

"unknown" doesn't really add anything over this, except to confuse clients who don't support random unofficial MIME types. Ditto for application/binary ; it's just a non-standard way of restating "octet-stream".


上一篇: URN为MIME类型

下一篇: 是否有“默认”MIME类型?